Based on what is found in Psalms 127 & 128, here are some ways we would know the Lord is fortifying and securing our home and that as husbands and fathers, we fear the Lord: 1) God’s truth must reign supreme, evidenced by the fact that it is consistently taught and is the standard of rule and practice in the home. The alternative would be either ignoring the Bible altogether and adopting psychology or some other alternate source of parenting principles. Just as destructive as that is if the biblical principles are acknowledged, but instructed with legalistic requirements. If God is truly building the home, then it will solely be based on God’s word. The remaining indicators flow from this one… 2) Fathers must set the tone for the nourishment or provision of the discipline and instruction of the children (Eph. 6:4). Among other things, this means that for the sake of their nourishment, children must receive loving correction, both of the verbal and careful, physical kind. 3) The family life must revolve around the body of Christ. The calendar of the family cannot be centered around activities, hobbies or extended family events. You will never run across born again parents of older children, who when looking back to the earlier years, wished they had spent more time pursuing things outside of the church or wished they hadn’t disciplined their lives during the week in order to be maximally effective in growing with and serving the body. A commitment to the local church is an indispensable and incomparable pattern for children to grow up with.
So do we want the blessing of the Lord on our homes as he builds and protects through our faithful labors? I know that’s the desire of every Christian parent, so let us fear him by walking according to his ways. We can certainly trust him that he knows what families need to do to be faithful and fruitful.