When the Spirit is at Work in a Church

When the Spirit is at Work in a Church

The early church’s unity and togetherness was was very apparent and affected all aspects of their lives, according to Acts 2:44-45. Additionally, Luke writes at the end of v.46, that they were doing this with joyful and sincere or humble hearts. This indicates...
Why Christians Must Be Saved From The World

Why Christians Must Be Saved From The World

Here is a statement that I believe is implied in Acts 2:40 and is undeniably found all over the NT: The certainty of the Spirit’s activity in a church is based on the church’s conformity to Christ, which is directly tied to how much the church separates herself from...
When the Spirit Brings Conviction

When the Spirit Brings Conviction

We left off last time in Acts 2:36 with Peter concluding this premier Christian sermon with the ultimate indictment—Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ—this Jesus whom you crucified.          This serves as...
Have you made Jesus your Lord?

Have you made Jesus your Lord?

It’s obvious that we need Jesus to be our Savior to save us from the judgment our sins deserve, but we also need him to be our new master, since before Christ, all we do is obey Satan, the world and our sinful flesh.  So is what you have made him in your life...