In John 17:26, Christ supplies an intended result of making the Father’s name known—indwelling love.  To know more of God’s name is to possess more of God’s love.  However, this is not a verse that merely teaches that believers are the objects of God’s love, as wonderful as that truth is.  This verse takes God’s love far beyond what has been previously taught several times in ch.14, which stated that the Father will love the one who loves and obeys the Son.  Jesus reveals in v.26 that the one who knows God will possess the same love that exists between the Father and the Son!                            

This means that if you are in Christ, God could only cease or fail to love you, if he could cease or fail to love the Son.  And it’s not only the love of God that Jesus states will be in them, but he concludes the prayer by revealing that he himself also would be in them.      

The connection should be easy to discern—Since God is love, where God is, love will be also.  Thus, when you are in Christ, you must know that he does not interact with you outside of the category of love.  This includes every trial and even times of discipline, since all of it is purely motivated by love.  Also, He does not reveal anything to you in his word apart from the intention of love.  This includes the conviction of sin that exposes you at the heart level.  That is evidence of his love for you.