It’s undeniable that the consequential sins of others greatly affects us, whether it is someone who is not personally known to us, but has been influential in our growth in Christ OR maybe is a family member or friend who has claimed salvation in Christ. Even if the sin is not committed directly against us; it can still be very difficult to maintain biblical clarity.

No matter the particular circumstances, it’s a great danger to us if our mindsets remain on the following kinds of thoughts:
-How could this person do such a thing?
-Why would God allow this?
-If this Christian leader who knows the Bible so well and even preaches solid doctrine—if he can’t stay faithful, can I maintain hope of perseverance?

This can lead to a swirl of responses that can be described as bewilderment, disillusionment, anger and/or betrayal. It’s in these times that it may seem we have lost our bearings in the comprehensive wise and good purposes of our Sovereign God OR it may be possible that our thoughts are focused, but on the wrong things, such as bitterness and/or personal offense. Perhaps it’s a toxic mixture of all it, depending on the moment or the day.

Pretty soon, if we are not careful, we can transition into living with a lens of suspicion and/or pessimism. Biblical discernment is always our friend, but living in a state of being constantly suspicious of others’ sin can take over our hearts and preclude us from being useful in ministry to others. If that’s the case, we stop moving towards others because we want to ensure we will no longer be greatly affected by their sin.

That’s why in times like these, we must look to God, while being watchful over our own hearts.
To provide some initial clarity, consider our Lord and Savior’s example in Mark 3:5 After looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, He *said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored.

He was angry at their self-exalting sin, but it was mixed with grief at their refusal to bend to the truth due to their hardness of heart. This is the model for us all when seeking to have our hearts remain in a God-glorifying state.