When there is an ongoing resistance to believing and obeying Christ, then there is a competing desire in one’s heart that is the master of that person. In this case, jealousy exposes the presence of a false god in the heart. Reason being, jealousy leads to a complete self-consumption, refusing to rejoice in the success or blessing of others, but hating it and wishing you had it instead. Clearly in that state one could care less about God’s purposes, being indifferent to the fact that God gives things, whether tangible or intangible, with the expectation of receiving praise. So if we chaff at God’s gifts or ministry given to another, then we are withholding or even stealing glory from God.
Here’s what this temptation may look like: You repeatedly share the gospel with a friend or family member and then someone else leads them to the Lord. Or you disciple someone with very little perceived growth and someone else starts pouring into that person and there is quicker, noticeable change. What happens in our hearts right there: Are we thankful God has poured out his grace OR are we jealous that he didn’t use us how we would like? Jealousy contends with God’s grace and purposes, beloved, so let us treat it as poison to our souls.