It’s a sad reality that the truth just bounces off some people like a ball off of a brick wall. How so? It’s because they have a built-in tuner that when the conviction comes, they tune it out by thinking about other people whom they think are worse offenders than they are or they have a long list of built-in excuses why their sin can be justified. A couple of examples are: 1) “There’s no way God would expect me to obey in this circumstance or in light of my fears in that area;” 2) “That person has consistently blown me off or even insulted me, so I’m sure God wouldn’t want me to continue to reach out in love.”
Instead of having the built-in defense mechanisms, which hinders one from believing the word, true faith acts upon what is heard. Is this not the point in James 2, where James teaches that a faith, which does not manifest itself in works, is a dead faith?
So how do we guard against listening to the word without believing the word and end up being a deceived hearer (James 1:22)?
First, we acknowledge that we are susceptible to this, just like anyone else. We must be on guard against our hearts, which are deceitful above all else. Then, we listen intently, which means we are carefully assessing our own lives in light of the principles being taught, BEFORE letting our thoughts run to that other person who obviously fails in the area being taught. Next, we are to think of specific thoughts and actions in specific circumstances, which need to be brought under the truth being taught. And finally, a plan needs to be put into place for implementing what was brought to mind in the previous step. In this way, we will be a believer in and a doer of God’s Word.