God Saves to be Praised

God Saves to be Praised

We know that the Bible teaches that all are unclean in God’s eyes due to possessing a wicked heart and therefore all are completely dependent on the cleansing power of Christ’s blood that is effectual to a sinner only through faith in Christ’s finished work. Despite...
The Peaceful Increase That Comes From God

The Peaceful Increase That Comes From God

In Acts 9, Luke supplies one of those summary statements that gives a status update of the advancement of the church—v.31 Therefore the church throughout Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace, being strengthened and going on in the fear of the Lord, and in the...
Do you believe God loves to save?

Do you believe God loves to save?

How certain are you that God desires to save by pouring out his grace on sinners through the gospel of Jesus Christ? Your level of certainty will be directly related to your faith in the following truths: 1) God’s merciful disposition—Eze. 18:23 Do I have any pleasure...