Mankind’s Natural Aversion to Christ

Mankind’s Natural Aversion to Christ

John 3:19-20 contains another antithetical teaching from John, in that if someone loves the darkness, the one will, by default, hate the Light. There is no mixing of the two; in order to have one, the other has to be eliminated. And it follows that whatever one hates,...
The Unfathomable Love of God

The Unfathomable Love of God

Because God is love, John 3:16 teaches that he has a love for the world and that love manifested itself in the giving of the Son for the world. Now it is imperative we keep in mind that his love is not the least bit based on a positive or lovable perception of the...
The Quality of Revelation Christ Brings

The Quality of Revelation Christ Brings

Amidst a discussion with Nicodemus in John 3:9-15, Jesus unveils that while he left the realm of heaven during his incarnation, he never left the state of having direct communication and fellowship with the Father.  This is truly remarkable! All that being said, think...
The Initiating Sovereign Work of God

The Initiating Sovereign Work of God

Last week, we concluded John 2 and discovered that Jesus was never going to be duped by spurious faith because has complete knowledge of what is in man, namely man’s natural state of spiritual deadness that is in bondage to the sinful nature and causes him to be...