We can probably relate a little bit with Christ here in Mark 14 as the disciples dispute what he is telling them. Perhaps we have spoken with someone and shared our concerns about the trajectory of their life, but they haven’t taken us seriously, even if they weren’t hostile to it in the moment. And then you watch the fall and the subsequent consequences and you know it could have been avoided…but you also know that God is working in it and through it.

Of course, it’s likely we have been on the other side of that equation and been the one resistant to God’s word. We shouldn’t have to look very hard to find these tendencies of Peter in ourselves, namely disputing with Scripture and not relying completely on our Shepherd. With regards to the first category, we come across passages like Rom. 3, which is quoting a couple of Psalms—there is no one who is righteous, not even one; no one understands and no one seeks after God. Do we believe that or do we dispute it, citing examples of kind unbelievers whom we know who aren’t that bad? Or even worse, we put forth ourselves as a contrast to that kind of disposition prior to Christ. What about what God says in 1 John 3:10 that the children of God and children of the devil are obvious since someone cannot be born of God if that person does not practice righteousness and love for the brethren? Do we believe that or do we try to come up with man-made, unbiblical categories like unchurched Christians or backslidden Christians for those who have never had a transformation in their life and are practicing sin? But even more important is how we accept the word for what it says about us. Do we allow God to indict us as those with wicked motives, thoughts, speech and actions? What do we do with James 4:1 What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel.

Perhaps we respond: “That’s probably true in most cases, but the source of my quarrels is typically outside of me; it’s these other people that are around me; these kids or these pressure points with work and finances.” In other words, we tell the Lord his word is not true in our case and we continue to stumble into sin instead of confessing it and repenting from it. Let us never dispute with Almighty God, but instead honor Him by coming under His Word. Due to the deceitfulness of sin, He knows us better than we know ourselves.