So, Christ’s first coming brought peace to the soul, but his second coming will also bring peace to the earth.  No matter what then, our hope must always remain fixed on the Prince of Peace, lest we try to obtain peace superficially by thinking that peace is tied to the removal of circumstances.  Although many of the promises of peace are fulfilled in the kingdom, the peace of God is currently available to all.  The peace of God begins at the point of peace with God and that is only possible through repentance and faith in Christ.  It wouldn’t be right for God to grant peace to those who were living for themselves in opposition to his rightful rule in their life.  That would perpetuate and endorse idolatry and the Bible describes that as slavery and bondage.  There can’t be peace in that state, but the good news is that Christ came to redeem us from the penalty and the power of sin.  This is how we can have and live in the peace of God.  We designate this time of year to specifically celebrate that the answer to world peace is the coming King, who came the first time as a helpless infant in order to save his people from their sins.