Jesus Finished His Course

Jesus Finished His Course

If we do not have a Savior who completed his work, then we do not have any hope for a complete salvation, for in that scenario, at least part of the finishing work would originate in us. But if we do not trust exclusively in the finished work of Christ, then we...
What to Learn from Peter’s Denials

What to Learn from Peter’s Denials

This was a necessary lesson to be learned by Peter. Left completely to ourselves, this is the inevitable outcome and Christ was completely clear in his teaching in Matt. 10:33 But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven....
How to Identify when the Word is Preached

How to Identify when the Word is Preached

Notice what Paul does NOT write in 2 Tim. 4:2-Preach about the word; Preach with the word; Preach from the word. No! He writes, preach the word.   Therefore, the first question to ask when assessing preaching is not whether you liked the sermon, but rather: Did the...