God’s Commitment to Advance the Gospel

God’s Commitment to Advance the Gospel

God’s actions in Acts 12 in the delivering of Peter from prison and the killing of King Herod, illustrate that God is completely sovereign over rulers, just as Paul teaches in Rom. 13, and as is found in Daniel’s blessing to God in Dan. 2, where Daniel declares...
What A Church Must Practice

What A Church Must Practice

Acts 11:19-26 display core traits of faithful gospel ministry, which brings forth tremendous evidence of a very strong church in Antioch. Nevertheless, here’s what we need to understand: There could be indiscriminate evangelism and encouragement towards perseverance,...
God Saves to be Praised

God Saves to be Praised

We know that the Bible teaches that all are unclean in God’s eyes due to possessing a wicked heart and therefore all are completely dependent on the cleansing power of Christ’s blood that is effectual to a sinner only through faith in Christ’s finished work. Despite...