The threat of distraction

The threat of distraction

Upon reaching Acts 6, we will encounter a threat to the church that we have not yet seen. Thus far, the threats we have come across include external opposition and persecution and even the infiltration of unrepentant sin in the body, but it is likely that the threat...
Christ-centered grief over sin

Christ-centered grief over sin

It’s undeniable that the consequential sins of others greatly affects us, whether it is someone who is not personally known to us, but has been influential in our growth in Christ OR maybe is a family member or friend who has claimed salvation in Christ. Even if...
The Fellowship That Honors Christ

The Fellowship That Honors Christ

Even though the term for fellowship existed before the start of Christianity, the Christian idea of fellowship involves a vastly different motive and goal. Instead of being forced or desiring some immediate earthly gain, the motive of this fellowship is the love of...