Upon arriving at Psalm 49:15, we come to one of the greatest contrasts in Scripture, marked by the phrase—But God.  Even though man cannot redeem another’s soul because the ransom price is too high (vv.7-9), God can certainly do it. Take note of the certainty and personal nature of this verse–God will rescue my soul from the grip of Sheol and he will receive me. For those who entrust themselves to the redemption God supplies instead of trusting in the vanity of earthly things, death will not reign over them.

Keep in mind that what is taught in v.15 does not suggest that the redeemed will not die. It means that they will not have death for their shepherd, nor will they be consumed in the grave forever to the end that their body will have no eternal dwelling. The preposition, from, in v.15 could be translated out of. In the same way that Hebrews 5:7 says that Jesus was saved from or out of death, so will those who are in Christ. They will be received or taken to God. Asaph affirms this same truth in Ps. 73:24 With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory. God’s people will die, but death will not be their shepherd. God will come get them from Sheol.  This makes the resurrection the ultimate hope.