In light of the love Jesus calls his people to in Luke 6:32-36, what is the disposition of your heart towards those who boast over you or who trample your kindness or who constantly misinterpret your words and motives?  Are you able to turn from and eradicate unloving thoughts towards them to get to a place where you desire the best for them in your heart?  Moreover, what happens when something good does happen to them?  Do you despise it or are you thankful because you’ve been hoping for it already?  Lastly, who makes your prayer list?  Who qualifies to be named in your supplications before the Lord—Only those who treat you well; only those whom you like and are in your good graces; only those who haven’t upset you or mistreated you?

The Lord says we must love even those who do not love us.

Next, in v.33, Jesus slightly transitions into the category of doing good.  We are not to consider the prospect of an even exchange when determining when to do good to another.  Doing good, in its purest form is not the response of receiving good from another or even the likelihood of receiving good in return—”That person did this for me, so I should do it for them…OR…There’s a really good chance I might need this person’s help in the future so it would be nice to get into a reciprocal type of deal.”  Love for the Christian isn’t to be thought of like the Christmas gift exchange in which everyone pays the same amount for the gifts which are evenly distributed.

The Lord says we must love without the prospect of earthly gain.