The portrait of Christ put forth in the Gospel of John does not allow for any middle ground with Jesus—either he is all that he said he is or he is nothing that he said he is, including the Savior of the world. We don’t get to choose what version of Christ we want to worship; we don’t get to pick and choose what teachings of Christ we accept and which ones we can discard.

Think about what has transpired in the first 18 verses of John 5—In an attempt to defend God’s glory, the Jewish leaders plot to kill God in the flesh.  The religion of Judaism had veered so far from God that when he came, they couldn’t recognize him because he didn’t line up with their cherished beliefs. This is tragic for many reasons, but primarily because it is Christ who most clearly displays God’s glory, being full of grace and truth and the exact representation of God’s nature.

So rather than desiring that Christ submit to our thoughts, do we assess all of what we do and say in the realm of Christian living by what Christ says? In order to honor our Lord in this way, we must take heed to Prov. 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.