We would all do well to consider if we living the blessed life according to Psalm 1.  In other words, do you have true happiness; an abiding, joyful contentment?  Some might respond: “Not really, but I can’t fathom how that can happen by following what this Psalm says.”  If that response is in our hearts, that probably indicates we are completely consumed by our circumstances, instead of God’s promises.  Then after accepting that statement, we have to choose between one of two conclusions—either God is a liar or at least is confused about what it means to be blessed OR we’re living in unbelief in this area.  In either case, our minds need to be renewed with this passage.

Moreover, if you had to pick one verse from vv.3-4, which verse describes your spiritual life?  If the answer is v.4, this Psalm is very helpful in diagnosing the problem.  All we have to do is look back up to vv.1-2.  Is our delight found in and our thought-life patterned after God’s word or are those things blocked by pursuing and maintaining unhelpful relationships and influences at the expense of truth?  It’s helpful to consider: If the majority of your time is spent with those less mature and less discerning than you, then there is no way to be fruitful and spiritually successful.  Perhaps we need to cut off sources of counsel in your life that may be coming from well-intentioned individuals, but are unbiblical nonetheless.
God wants you to be true happy, but there is only one pathway to obtain it, as delineated in Psalm 1.  Let us pursue it, beloved, in the grace and strength which God supplies for the glory of Jesus Christ.