In light of Paul’s defense before Felix in Acts 24, a crucial question we can ask ourselves is: How do we answer when our Christian beliefs and practices are called into question?  By saying: “It seems to make sense to me or I just don’t think those other views are right or I really trust those who are teaching these positions or I have some family members or friends who believe the same things I do.”  Those answers are vastly insufficient and are far from the most helpful way to respond. Your life and the way you live your life must ultimately be about worshiping and serving the Lord with a clean conscience—“I cannot deviate from Scripture if I want to worship the Lord and maintain a clean conscience; I must structure my life to position myself for maximum growth in holiness and usefulness for the Lord’s purposes if I want to worship him as He deserves and maintain a clean conscience; I must fight sin by putting it off, renewing my mind and then putting on righteousness in its place if I want to worship the Lord and maintain a clean conscience.”

On the other hand, if we make our defense mainly about ourselves and our opinions, then we are missing the opportunity to glorify Christ.  Remember, Jesus told Paul that he would be a witness for Him, and while Paul and the other apostles certainly had a unique calling on their lives, we must realize that when our lives are questioned, we are being given an opportunity to specifically demonstrate our allegiance to Him and what He has said.  This puts the main issue on the table and beckons all who are involved to consider their own lives with regards to the purity of their worship of Christ and the state of their own conscience.
This is necessary and demonstrates that we must not be mainly interested in getting decisions for Christ or getting warm bodies in the seats of the church. The Great Commission is about making disciples of Christ through teaching and baptism and in doing so, we are making worshipers of God.

So, in conclusion when our lives are called into question, our main concern must not be protecting our reputation, but making sure what rules our lives is to worship our God and Savior with a clean conscience, while calling others to do the same.