In Lamentations 3:22, Jeremiah supplies the reasons for his hope stated in v.21. First, The LORDS’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease…Lovingkindness is one of those words in the Hebrew which is so rich that translators have a hard time capturing all that it entails in one English word. It indicates a covenant, steadfast, love. It is a covenant love and is not used for God’s dealings with anyone outside of his family. Therefore, when God has this lovingkindness towards someone it means there is a special relationship. He always keeps his covenant promises and this is one of the words that describe that characteristic. Additionally, there are several names for God or Lord in the OT, but this particular name in v.22 should be capitalized in your Bibles, meaning this is the covenant name of God—Yahweh. Only Israel would associate this name for God, so Jeremiah is remembering what the Lord has specifically promised to his people and how he is always loyal to what he has said. That’s why this lovingkindness is steadfast, meaning it does not change and is constant. And, of course, God’s love means that he is good and demonstrates acts of kindness to the recipients of that love, which is one reason why it’s plural lovingkindnesses.

This is so crucial to constantly review that God’s goodness and kindness does not cease during difficult times. In doing so, we must conclude that we receive much better than what we deserve due to our sin against God. Dwelling upon God’s undeserved love will be the life raft that will bring us to spiritual safety amidst the sea of affliction.

Look at the 2nd line of v.22for his compassions never fail (end)…God finished creating the world in Gen. 2, but he never finishes distributing compassion(s).  Compassion is a tender-heartedness and sympathy towards those in dire circumstances.  So he not only performs loving acts, but he has a great concern for especially those who are brought low due to the trials of life.  To solidify this, look at v.31 For the Lord will not reject forever, 32 for if he causes grief, then he will have compassion according to his abundant lovingkindness; 33 for he does not afflict willingly (from his heart) or grieve the sons of men.  

These are the dealings with man that Jeremiah states never conclude nor are exhausted, even though what he sees all around him seemingly portrays the opposite.       

Nevertheless v.23They are new every morning…Even though the pain of difficulty seems to set up camp in our hearts, God brings a fresh wave of comfort every single morning.  Even though each day may bring new temptations that God has abandoned us or doesn’t care about us, we are able to, by faith, to receive new sympathies from God every day! 

And then, only after thinking about these expressions of God’s character, Jeremiah declares at the end of v.23Great in your faithfulness… This is altogether stunning in light of Jeremiah’s circumstances—complete destruction of Jerusalem by Israel’s arch enemy.  This is a time when wicked, unbelieving thoughts could prevail such as: “The Lord doesn’t care about keeping his Word; He doesn’t actually make good on his promises.”  We can easily think like that when we try to interpret the Bible through the lens of our circumstances, instead of interpreting our circumstances through the lens of the Bible.  The greatness and goodness and faithfulness of God do not change no matter what happens!  If he would cease to make good on his promises, then he would cease to be God!         

In light of that unchanging reality, our assessment of God’s faithfulness is such a good indicator of where our heart is at.  Do our hearts say: “God used to be faithful to me OR God is faithful to many other people OR can we say from the heart at all times—Even now, I know your faithfulness is great!”