We Must Continually Feed on Christ

We Must Continually Feed on Christ

It’s helpful to point out that in beginning in v.54 through v.58 of John 6, the verb tense of eat and drink is in the present, which means Christ is teaching the importance of a continuous, ongoing action. This is also put forth in v.56 with the outcome of this...
Christ Fulfills Our Every Need

Christ Fulfills Our Every Need

In John 6:35, Jesus is teaching that upon coming to him, the bread of life, in faith, one will never have to search anywhere else again for sustenance. This is clearly not referring to physical hunger and thirst, and to miss the spiritual emphasis of these words is to...
Our Need for God to Reveal Our Motives

Our Need for God to Reveal Our Motives

The crowd’s misguided seeking of Jesus in John 6:26 illustrates a massive problem in the human heart, in that we often aren’t even thinking about what we need to learn from Jesus, but are merely satisfied being full and happy and healthy in this life, which we...