The Lord’s Perspective of Persecution

The Lord’s Perspective of Persecution

Ps. 37:12 begins to shed more light upon the situation about which David is writing.  The difficulty in navigating this world is not just that the wicked do evil, but that the wicked develops evil plots against God’s people out of hatred for God’s people.  That is...
The Power of Relying on the Powerful Word

The Power of Relying on the Powerful Word

A crucial conclusion of Paul’s teaching from the 2nd half of 1st Corinthians 1 is this: Because the gospel is foolishness to the natural person, when someone does get saved that is evidence of God’s power because there’s no other possible explanation that one...
Turning to the One Who Takes Away Fears

Turning to the One Who Takes Away Fears

Notice where David turns in Ps. 34:4–he sought the Lord.  David goes to the only source of help when our souls are weighed down with fear.  How quickly and comprehensively we cast our cares upon the Lord and his truth is determinative of how faithful we will be...
God-Glorifying Engagement When Disagreeing

God-Glorifying Engagement When Disagreeing

In this time, it is important to speak the truth in love to your Christian friends who are caught up in worldly ideologies.  The Apostle Paul writes in Gal. 6:1 Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit...