The Ingredient Which Fuels Impatience

The Ingredient Which Fuels Impatience

King Solomon sheds some light on this ingredient in Ecc. 7: 8b…the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. 9 Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools. In contrasting patience with pride, it becomes evident that...
How to think about Christian Love

How to think about Christian Love

In 1 John 3-4, it is made clear that only those who have personally experienced and continue to learn about the transforming love of God through the saving work of Jesus Christ, will love as God desires for them to love, since only then will we have the correct...
Singing to God and to One Another

Singing to God and to One Another

A main theme that pops out from Eph. 5:19-20 and Col. 3:16 is the corporate emphasis.  Yes, the singing and making melody and the giving of thanks is primarily directed towards the Lord, but also to each other in the gathering.  In Eph. 5:19, it is speaking to one...
Do we build up others through prayer?

Do we build up others through prayer?

Notice in 1 Tim. 2:1 that all of these are to be done on behalf of all people. Think about all the kinds of prayers and supplications that can be made and NOW think about how many can be made for all people!  Just consider the first one—How many needs do we come...
The Foolishness of Preaching

The Foolishness of Preaching

In 1 Cor. 1:21, Paul implies that God has ordained his word to be delivered to his people through this foolish mode of communication in the eyes of the world.  Why’s it so foolish?  Because preaching simply entails explaining the meaning of God’s word and then...
True Love for Christ

True Love for Christ

Luke 7:36-50 gives us the proper perspective to answer one important question: Does the quality of your love for Christ correspond to the riches of his grace that you have received?  Among other things, this text will demonstrate that there is a direct correlation...
Consumed in the Life of Christ

Consumed in the Life of Christ

What does your life consist of?  When Christ says, “I came that my people may have life, and have it abundantly,” is this the life we are hoping in?  This life that came about through his death.  This life that makes us more like him now and will...
The Lord Delivers From All Types of Conditions

The Lord Delivers From All Types of Conditions

At the tail end of the Zaccheus account in Luke 19, Jesus says something that has become very familiar words: The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.  Jesus Christ not only seeks after people, he saves them.  And vice versa—he not only saves, but he is the one...
Biblical Expectations Lead to Biblical Fruit

Biblical Expectations Lead to Biblical Fruit

There’s no doubt that in troublesome times, we are shaken in our faith and feel disoriented—What is happening to me?  Why is this happening?  Why am I stuck in this circumstance?  I think we need to admit that much of this is due to faulty expectations about the...