Who we are in Christ

Who we are in Christ

This means that we are going to have to dive into arguably the greatest biblical tension in the NT.  This tension I am referring to is captured in this statement: We are informed that our old self is dead because it died with Christ, but on the other hand we’re...
Do you have the fear of the Lord?

Do you have the fear of the Lord?

The fear of the Lord is a reverential awe of his holiness, majesty, love, omnipotence and omniscience, which produces a dread of hindering our relationship with him by dishonoring or disobeying him. Based on that definition, here are a couple of questions to help us...
The Effect of Having the Spirit

The Effect of Having the Spirit

If the Spirit is present in someone, then the fruit of Gal. 5:22-23 will be evident instead of the deeds of the flesh in Gal. 5:19-21. This means that sanctification is not measured primarily by major decisions and turning points in our lives, but rather by the day in...
What it means to not be of the world

What it means to not be of the world

A.W. Pink rightly remarked about the truth of a Christian as stated by Jesus in v.14: The truth of this verse applies in a sevenfold way: First, Christians have a different standing from those who belong to the world: their standing is in Adam, ours in Christ; they...
Unity in God’s Name

Unity in God’s Name

In John 17:11, there is the 1st of 3 requests in the remainder of John 17 that demonstrates Jesus’ desire for the unity of his followers. In addition to that repetition, it’s also instructive that the first time Jesus asks the Father to keep his people, it’s for the...
Jesus’ Promise of Full Joy

Jesus’ Promise of Full Joy

Once Jesus rises from the dead and ascends back to the Father, the disciples are given the simple instruction, at the end of John 16:24 to ask and they will receive with the result that their joy would be made full.  In ch.15, this full joy was promised to the...
A Critical Role of the Spirit

A Critical Role of the Spirit

The Spirit’s work described in John 16:8-11 should infuse our ministry to sinners with tremendous hope. People we are ministering to can distance themselves and try to escape the conviction of the truth; they can attempt to tune out the guilty charges brought about by...
The All-Sufficient Gift from the Father

The All-Sufficient Gift from the Father

Because the Spirit is sent by Jesus and sent from the Father, the disciples needed to take Jesus’ words by faith that the coming of the Spirit would provide everything they need. On the other hand, it’s a denial that the Spirit brings divine power into our lives that...
What Ambassadors of Christ Can Expect

What Ambassadors of Christ Can Expect

Because the conditional statements from Jesus in John 15:20 portray a truthful reality, they could be translated with the word since—since they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. Since the world persecuted Jesus because of his message from God and his life...
Preach the Word!

Preach the Word!

By Don Green In days of strength, preach the Word. In days of weakness, preach the Word. In days of joy, preach the Word. In days of sorrow, preach the Word. When people come, preach the Word. When people go, preach the Word. When men praise you, preach the Word. When...
Jesus’ Peace Conquers Fear

Jesus’ Peace Conquers Fear

In John 14:27, Jesus states that the peace that he gives is in stark contrast to the peace of the world. In this 1st century context of the NT, peace was created by military conquest and then it was maintained by comprehensive rule and force. More specifically, the...
How the Apostles Learned Christ

How the Apostles Learned Christ

The disciples had God in the flesh teaching them directly, but they largely misunderstood. However, that did not mean they blew their opportunity forever. Upon Christ’s ascension, He teaches them that the Holy Spirit would be sent to bring them understanding about the...
The Promise of God’s Dwelling

The Promise of God’s Dwelling

Earlier the disciples asked for a one-time manifestation of the Father and that would be all they would ever need, but now Jesus declares to them in John 14:23 that the Father and the Son would come to them to dwell with them. Furthermore, since the Spirit is...
The only foundation-Jesus Christ

The only foundation-Jesus Christ

In light of the Apostle Paul choosing to refer to Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of God’s house in Eph. 2:20, the implications become apparent. The prophets and apostles had to stay in line with Christ or else the building would be crooked and eventually topple...
How To Know You Know God

How To Know You Know God

In John 14:9, Jesus conveys his concern to the disciples that they do not know him; especially after all the time they have spent together. So how are we to think about the folks who consistently interact with biblical things, but yet do not actually know God? Reason...
The Necessity of Moment by Moment Faith

The Necessity of Moment by Moment Faith

According to John 14:1, what is going to protect the disciples in their upcoming circumstances of watching their master be arrested and crucified?—faith. What protects us in times of trouble?—faith. However, in addition to possessing the wrong object of faith, it is...
The Perfect Knowledge of the Lord

The Perfect Knowledge of the Lord

Here are a couple of excellent quotations regarding what Jesus knows and how that should affect his disciples. First, J.C. Ryle supplied some very helpful explanation regarding this truth: This perfect knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ is a very solemn thought, and...
The Greatest Love of All

The Greatest Love of All

Let’s begin by highlighting the main idea of v.1, which appears at the end of the verse—He loved them to the end or to the uttermost or perfectly. Who is them? They are identified in the previous clause as his own who were in the world. In this context, his own are...
The Destructive Nature of Fearing Man

The Destructive Nature of Fearing Man

So how is this great enemy of faith and propellent of unbelief combatted? One verse in the Proverbs makes it abundantly clear—Prov. 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, But he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted. A snare is a trap, which prevents one from obeying...