by Matthew Borgstrom | Jun 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
In John 6:16-21, the main theme switches from Christ’s sufficiency to provide all that we need, to trusting that he is sufficient to accomplish his promises according to his perfect plan. Nevertheless, we can become frightened to the point of losing our bearings due...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Jun 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
In John 6:6, the reader is informed that Jesus’ question to Philip in v.5 is designed to give Philip an opportunity to express his faith in the One he has chosen to follow. Now this word for test has a wide scope of meaning in the NT and is even translated tempt...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Jun 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
It is a wonder that God’s salvation in Christ is not ONLY tied to the eternal and complete redemption of souls, but also the specific road Christ traveled down in the purchasing of those souls. Namely, it was a road consisting of betrayal, rejection and suffering. ...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Jun 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
In light of the fact that John 5:42 is a contrast to v.41, what is the relationship between seeking glory from man and what we love? It’s because seeking recognition from people indicates that we love what we get from people more than we love God. In other words, the...
by Matthew Borgstrom | May 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
According to John 5:35, John the Baptist certainly stirred up excitement and expectation for the arrival of the Messiah, but once Jesus began to make public appearances that involved correction of false beliefs and practices, along with placing himself at the center...
by Matthew Borgstrom | May 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
So what are believers to take away from this teaching in John 5:28-29, that Christ will assess the works of everyone in the end? For one, we are to live in the sight of God as those who will give an account. Listen to this description in Heb. 4:12 For the word of...