Christ’s Superior Provision

Christ’s Superior Provision

Jesus’ mighty display of provision at the wedding feast in John 2 should greatly assist us in our understanding that we are completely helpless as it relates to fulfilling our greatest need. What was anyone at the wedding going to be able to do about the absence...
Following Christ for the Right Reason

Following Christ for the Right Reason

John 1:38 records that Jesus turned to acknowledge the 2 followers trailing behind him and asks a question to them—Not who, but what do you seek? What an incredible question! We are going to see a lot of self-centered reasons for following Christ in this gospel and...
The Significance of the Lamb of God

The Significance of the Lamb of God

Here is a summary of the significance of John the Baptist’s declaration in John 1:29—while there may have been many lambs used for sacrifices, only God’s lamb would provide the necessary and permanent atonement for sin. No wonder it’s recorded that sinners receive...