by Matthew Borgstrom | Apr 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
We can begin with a conclusion after working through vv.1-6 of Ps.24: Due to God’s holy requirements, it’s only God’s who can enable a sinner to draw near to worship. Now what’s so important for us to understand is the magnitude of might that it takes for God...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Does our definition of acceptable worship unto God include what is found in Psalm 24:4, namely having clean hands and a pure heart? It’s very sad, highly detrimental and incredibly deceiving that we have wrongly defined worship as getting a multitude of people in a...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Mar 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
When thinking about the all-encompassing shepherding Christ supplies His sheep, the question that should be on our minds is: What took place to gain sinners this kind of privileged status? For that answer, we can go to the end of John 10:15 to find a restatement of...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Mar 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
As David thinks over who the Lord is for him and what the Lord has done for him, he comes to one conclusion at the beginning of Psalm 23:6—most certainly goodness and mercy will pursue him all of his days. Goodness is anything that enhances someone’s welfare,...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Mar 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
The ridicule Christ experienced while dying on the cross was not only cruel, but it contained the most twisted and perverted assessments of reality, coupled with some of the greatest expressions of unbelief ever to be uttered on the face of the earth. For example, in...
by Matthew Borgstrom | Mar 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
As we study David’s life-threatening circumstances in Ps. 22, we will probably be provoked to raise this question: What’s the purpose of the waiting and the human sensation of distance from God? Does our God just enjoy suspense, while watching his people squirm? OR...