The Significance of the Lamb of God

The Significance of the Lamb of God

Here is a summary of the significance of John the Baptist’s declaration in John 1:29—while there may have been many lambs used for sacrifices, only God’s lamb would provide the necessary and permanent atonement for sin. No wonder it’s recorded that sinners receive...
Beware of Earthly-mindedness

Beware of Earthly-mindedness

In John 6, Jesus exposes the motives of the crowds who were seeking him, namely because he miraculously provided food for them the day before in the feeding of the 5,000. In v.26, Jesus says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but...
God’s Great Sovereign Purposes

God’s Great Sovereign Purposes

What are some implications of the hostility from the world being used by God as a refiner’s fire—1) God has a sovereign purpose in the hostility incurred by Christians from the world. Notice what Peter doesn’t say—”Don’t be surprised at the trials because...
Fighting Glory-Stealing Boasting

Fighting Glory-Stealing Boasting

Part of Paul’s descriptions of love in 1 Corinthians 13 include prohibitions from arrogance and boasting.  These are self-exalting and others-demeaning characteristics.  However, if we’re seeing ourselves as slaves of Christ, acknowledging that anything we have...
The Inner Instigator of Impatience

The Inner Instigator of Impatience

Why is patience so difficult for us? Solomon sheds some light on it in Ecc. 7: 8b…the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. 9 Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools. There is an incredible pride resident in...
When Giving All Counts For Nothing

When Giving All Counts For Nothing

In this first part of 1 Cor. 13:3, Paul does not use the normal word for give as he does in the 2nd part of the verse, but here it infers a piece-by-piece distribution. What this means is that this isn’t a one-time decision to give a lump sum gift to someone—“Here’s...
Praise as an Indicator of Truthful Thinking

Praise as an Indicator of Truthful Thinking

The praise in Psalm 145 is fueled by recounting abundantly rich truths that are put forth about God’s greatness and goodness. If God’s greatness is most notably manifested in his power, God’s goodness is most clearly seen in his love. Both are essential to equally...
The Lord Knows All

The Lord Knows All

In Psalm 139:1, David affirms that Yahweh, the covenant making and covenant keeping Great I AM, has searched him. This is a term inferring an examination or testing. For instance, when the Lord says that he searches the heart in Jer. 17:10, there is a parallel line...
Refusing to Meddle in God’s Affairs

Refusing to Meddle in God’s Affairs

In the final 2 lines of Ps. 131:1, David transitions from what he does not have to what he does not do. Namely, he doesn’t walk in things too great or marvelous for him. At first read, this is shocking because things that are great and marvelous sound like pretty good...
Is the Lord Building Your House?

Is the Lord Building Your House?

Based on what is found in Psalms 127 & 128, here are some ways we would know the Lord is fortifying and securing our home and that as husbands and fathers, we fear the Lord:                                                                                           ...
Consumed with self or with Christ?

Consumed with self or with Christ?

The content and especially the final section of Deut. 9, begs the question: Why bring all this up in front of all Israel? It seems apparent that the reason is to remind them how and why they were delivered. Moses is implying, “You didn’t become God’s special...
The Prevalence of Sinful Complaint

The Prevalence of Sinful Complaint

As Moses recounts multiple examples of Israel’s complaining in Deut. 9:22-23, who is the object of Israel’s complaint or criticism or groaning? Oftentimes the text says it’s aimed at Moses, but the Lord takes it as a direct attack on himself. Likewise, who is...
A Pride-Crushing Way of Remembering Our Sin

A Pride-Crushing Way of Remembering Our Sin

In Deuteronomy 9:7, Moses states: Remember, do not forget how you provoked the Lord your God to wrath in the wilderness; from the day that you left the land of Egypt until you arrived at this place, you have been rebellious against the Lord.               In giving...
Why God Is For Us

Why God Is For Us

For those who do acknowledge that all salvation is by grace alone and have trusted in Christ alone for a righteous standing before God, you must believe that God is for you in your sanctification. Just as God was committed to bring Israel into the promise land, as...
The Only Way Death Can Be Overcome

The Only Way Death Can Be Overcome

Upon arriving at Psalm 49:15, we come to one of the greatest contrasts in Scripture, marked by the phrase—But God.  Even though man cannot redeem another’s soul because the ransom price is too high (vv.7-9), God can certainly do it. Take note of the certainty and...