Our Expectations Should be Set by Jesus

Our Expectations Should be Set by Jesus

Jesus’ words in the following text are particularly counter-cultural in evangelicalism—Matt. 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the...
We Are Accountable to Pay Attention

We Are Accountable to Pay Attention

We must understand that our accountability is largely based on our stewardship of the truth.  For instance, to hear the word of God and not do anything about what you hear is like playing with fire, because you can become more hardened by the only thing that can...
Wisdom in the Realm of Time

Wisdom in the Realm of Time

As we think about the truth that our time is limited, one of the immediate implications is that our lives and everyone else’s lives are fleeting–James 4:14…What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.  This is why Moses...
Trusting God Leads to Usefulness for God

Trusting God Leads to Usefulness for God

Upon reaching v.10 of Acts 28, Paul had continued to trust in God, despite a seemingly hopeless situation and a seemingly irrational pathway to safety.  This led to expansive ministry among a previously unreached people.  God loves to do this.  He loves to open up...
The Intent of Gospel Ministry

The Intent of Gospel Ministry

Paul’s defense in Acts 26 has a theme of how gospel ministry opens the eyes of the blind upon repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. This understanding is essential as we think about our own salvation and our ministry to others.  Reason being, we will not give God the...
A Faithful Defense

A Faithful Defense

When we are defending the gospel by giving an account for the hope that is in us, we begin with what defined us as an unbeliever and how that manifested itself. The following question can help us get to those answers: How were you in opposition to God, the gospel and...
Are you in bondage to your liberties?

Are you in bondage to your liberties?

Now I want us to think about the principles of Christian liberties, found in Paul’s epistles, with regards to those who parade their freedoms on social media. While it’s true that we cannot know anyone’s specific motives with certainty, there is a common motive...
The Gospel > Unbelief

The Gospel > Unbelief

As we dive back into our study of Acts and look at an overview of chapters 1-20, one of the major hindrances Luke demonstrates the gospel conquers is rampant unbelief.  This common trait in those we know is something that can easily cause us to doubt the ability of...
Is church membership unnecessary?

Is church membership unnecessary?

During the past several decades, there has been a steady decline in church membership.  Why?  For one, many churches have abandoned it all together. This is due to the fact that it’s far more important for many churches to get warm bodies in the seats than it is to...
The Purpose of Ordinances

The Purpose of Ordinances

So, what is the purpose of the ordinances? It’s interesting hearing how people think of them, which largely depends on one’s church background.  Some view them as just religious routine, with very little personal benefit, much like how giving to the church or...
A Primary Way God Cares for His Church

A Primary Way God Cares for His Church

Surely, in the wisdom of God, he has ordained that churches would have clarity with regards to leadership and that leaders, though fellow sinners along with the sheep, would have credibility to lead.  So ultimately, the question is: What would God put in place to...
Christ’s Victory Over the Grave

Christ’s Victory Over the Grave

Here is an except for Charles Spurgeon’s sermon on 1 Cor. 15:54-58, (found here) in which he personifies the Grave in order to demonstrate the victory of Christ over it: From its hollow depths the Grave says, “Ask me where is my victory! Why, O foolish son of...
Where to Fight Against Pride

Where to Fight Against Pride

We must be aware that these anti-love characteristics in 1 Cor. 13:4-5 begin in the heart and as the heart speaks self-exalting things to ourselves, we swell up with pride until what is inside spills out of our mouths.  Thus the main goal is NOT to make sure you don’t...