The Wrong Way to Fear God

The Wrong Way to Fear God

In John 6:16-21, the main theme switches from Christ’s sufficiency to provide all that we need, to trusting that he is sufficient to accomplish his promises according to his perfect plan. Nevertheless, we can become frightened to the point of losing our bearings due...
God’s Intention in Testing Our Faith

God’s Intention in Testing Our Faith

In John 6:6, the reader is informed that Jesus’ question to Philip in v.5 is designed to give Philip an opportunity to express his faith in the One he has chosen to follow. Now this word for test has a wide scope of meaning in the NT and is even translated tempt...
What Seeking Glory from Man Indicates

What Seeking Glory from Man Indicates

In light of the fact that John 5:42 is a contrast to v.41, what is the relationship between seeking glory from man and what we love? It’s because seeking recognition from people indicates that we love what we get from people more than we love God. In other words, the...
Why the Judgment Matters

Why the Judgment Matters

So what are believers to take away from this teaching in John 5:28-29, that Christ will assess the works of everyone in the end?  For one, we are to live in the sight of God as those who will give an account.  Listen to this description in Heb. 4:12 For the word of...
The Giver of Life

The Giver of Life

If life comes through hearing Christ’s word (John 5:25), not only at the point of conversion, but also throughout our lives in sanctification, how well do you listen? Do you take heed to the word, whether it is being taught in a corporate setting or a bible...
The Polarizing Effect of the Divine Son

The Polarizing Effect of the Divine Son

The portrait of Christ put forth in the Gospel of John does not allow for any middle ground with Jesus—either he is all that he said he is or he is nothing that he said he is, including the Savior of the world. We don’t get to choose what version of Christ we want to...
How we let fear squash faith

How we let fear squash faith

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus is not rebuking the disciples for being human, rather he’s rebuking them for what they conclude about their situation—“We are experiencing the consequences of this storm; therefore, Jesus must not be able to defeat it or he doesn’t care about...
Being a Laborer Amidst Other Laborers

Being a Laborer Amidst Other Laborers

As we look at John 4:38, we find a crucial teaching to remain humble in our disciple making efforts, whether that’s evangelizing the lost or helping fellow believers become more Christlike. In the lives of those we know, others have probably gone before us in planting...
The Ramification of Idolatry

The Ramification of Idolatry

By the conclusion of John 4:18, Jesus has made it apparent that by not seeking the living water that only God can supply, the Samaritan woman has sought after vastly deficient sources to quench her thirst in life. That being said, we might be tempted to condemn this...
Grappling with the Concept of Imitating God

Grappling with the Concept of Imitating God

The beginning of Eph. 5 begins with a lofty call to imitate God. However, as soon as we hear this call to imitate God, how does our flesh want to strongly object?—“But we aren’t God, we are sinful, weak humans. Therefore, that’s an unfair standard to place upon us.”...
Are you compassionate?

Are you compassionate?

In light of what the Apostle Paul commands in Eph. 4:32, here are some questions to see where we are at with regards to exemplifying compassion: Generally speaking, are you able to enter in to another person’s plight even if their circumstances are the direct result...
Mankind’s Natural Aversion to Christ

Mankind’s Natural Aversion to Christ

John 3:19-20 contains another antithetical teaching from John, in that if someone loves the darkness, the one will, by default, hate the Light. There is no mixing of the two; in order to have one, the other has to be eliminated. And it follows that whatever one hates,...
The Unfathomable Love of God

The Unfathomable Love of God

Because God is love, John 3:16 teaches that he has a love for the world and that love manifested itself in the giving of the Son for the world. Now it is imperative we keep in mind that his love is not the least bit based on a positive or lovable perception of the...
The Quality of Revelation Christ Brings

The Quality of Revelation Christ Brings

Amidst a discussion with Nicodemus in John 3:9-15, Jesus unveils that while he left the realm of heaven during his incarnation, he never left the state of having direct communication and fellowship with the Father.  This is truly remarkable! All that being said, think...
The Initiating Sovereign Work of God

The Initiating Sovereign Work of God

Last week, we concluded John 2 and discovered that Jesus was never going to be duped by spurious faith because has complete knowledge of what is in man, namely man’s natural state of spiritual deadness that is in bondage to the sinful nature and causes him to be...
The Faith that Christ Believes In

The Faith that Christ Believes In

In the end, based on the truths of John 2:24-25, Christ knows exactly why every single person gathers with the church, whether with pure or mixed motives. Christ will not entrust himself to one who is pursuing an affiliation with his church as a means of...
Missing Christ by Refusing to Believe

Missing Christ by Refusing to Believe

In John 2:20, the Jews ask Jesus a follow up question that proves they are far from discerning what Jesus was saying and that is because even the components of the redemptive plan of God are folly to the natural mind. Paul taught this exact truth in 1 Cor. 1:22 For...
The Zeal that Led to Death and Glory

The Zeal that Led to Death and Glory

The Scripture from Ps. 69, which is quoted in John 2:17 about Jesus Christ says that Zeal for your house will consume me. The zeal Jesus had for the Father’s glory led him to testify to this to the Jews gathered at the temple in John 7:18 He who speaks from himself...
Christ’s Superior Provision

Christ’s Superior Provision

Jesus’ mighty display of provision at the wedding feast in John 2 should greatly assist us in our understanding that we are completely helpless as it relates to fulfilling our greatest need. What was anyone at the wedding going to be able to do about the absence...
Following Christ for the Right Reason

Following Christ for the Right Reason

John 1:38 records that Jesus turned to acknowledge the 2 followers trailing behind him and asks a question to them—Not who, but what do you seek? What an incredible question! We are going to see a lot of self-centered reasons for following Christ in this gospel and...
The Significance of the Lamb of God

The Significance of the Lamb of God

Here is a summary of the significance of John the Baptist’s declaration in John 1:29—while there may have been many lambs used for sacrifices, only God’s lamb would provide the necessary and permanent atonement for sin. No wonder it’s recorded that sinners receive...