The Wise Mouth of the Righteous

The Wise Mouth of the Righteous

Wisdom speaks God’s mind in God’s ways, whereas folly is spoken from a position of personal offense with self-exalting motivations.  Wisdom cannot come from a disposition of self-centeredness and neither can justice or fairness or upholding a standard that is outside...
The Lord’s Perspective of Persecution

The Lord’s Perspective of Persecution

Ps. 37:12 begins to shed more light upon the situation about which David is writing.  The difficulty in navigating this world is not just that the wicked do evil, but that the wicked develops evil plots against God’s people out of hatred for God’s people.  That is...
The Power of Relying on the Powerful Word

The Power of Relying on the Powerful Word

A crucial conclusion of Paul’s teaching from the 2nd half of 1st Corinthians 1 is this: Because the gospel is foolishness to the natural person, when someone does get saved that is evidence of God’s power because there’s no other possible explanation that one...
Turning to the One Who Takes Away Fears

Turning to the One Who Takes Away Fears

Notice where David turns in Ps. 34:4–he sought the Lord.  David goes to the only source of help when our souls are weighed down with fear.  How quickly and comprehensively we cast our cares upon the Lord and his truth is determinative of how faithful we will be...
God-Glorifying Engagement When Disagreeing

God-Glorifying Engagement When Disagreeing

In this time, it is important to speak the truth in love to your Christian friends who are caught up in worldly ideologies.  The Apostle Paul writes in Gal. 6:1 Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit...
Hating All To Be a Disciple of Christ

Hating All To Be a Disciple of Christ

The comprehensive cost Jesus is referring to is made explicit at the very end of Luke 14:26, in that following Christ entails a hatred of one’s entire existence. Keep in mind that hating one’s life is not an attempt to throw an increasingly larger pity party, for that...
Loving the Body Must be Primary

Loving the Body Must be Primary

As we continue to refresh our thinking about what is fundamental in the life of the church, here is a helpful question to begin with: What does Jesus point to as the key factor in identifying a group of his disciples?—”Others will know that you are my disciples...
The Guarding of our Souls

The Guarding of our Souls

In Psalm 25:20, David asked the Lord to guard him and then in v.21, he uses a synonymous verb to say that his integrity and uprightness guards him.  Which is it that guards him?—God or his character.  Both!  We know that God’s power is ultimately the cause of any...
Worship Which God Accepts

Worship Which God Accepts

Does our definition of acceptable worship unto God include what is found in Psalm 24:4, namely having clean hands and a pure heart?  It’s very sad, highly detrimental and incredibly deceiving that we have wrongly defined worship as getting a multitude of people in a...
God’s Flowing Love For His Sheep

God’s Flowing Love For His Sheep

As David thinks over who the Lord is for him and what the Lord has done for him, he comes to one conclusion at the beginning of Psalm 23:6—most certainly goodness and mercy will pursue him all of his days.  Goodness is anything that enhances someone’s welfare,...
The Greater David Had Greater Suffering

The Greater David Had Greater Suffering

The ridicule Christ experienced while dying on the cross was not only cruel, but it contained the most twisted and perverted assessments of reality, coupled with some of the greatest expressions of unbelief ever to be uttered on the face of the earth.  For example, in...
The Exhaustively Sanctifying Word of God

The Exhaustively Sanctifying Word of God

Apparently, the author of Ps. 119 prizes the word to the same extent as David does in Ps. 19:7.  Listen to this sampling—Ps. 119:25 My soul clings to the dust; give me life according to your word!…28 My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your...
Man’s Place in the Universe

Man’s Place in the Universe

If we think over David’s words in Ps. 8:3-4, here’s what we walk away with: In comparison to God’s expansive universe, man is pretty small and insignificant. Has any thought like that come across our minds this past week or even since the turn of the new year? ...
How One Honors the Son is Determinative

How One Honors the Son is Determinative

Ultimately, Psalm 2 challenges us to consider how we honor God’s Son, Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.  And then after we engage in a self-assessment, we must consider how others in our sphere of influence treat the Son.  The NT tells us that…Whoever believes...
What the Blessed Life Looks Like

What the Blessed Life Looks Like

We would all do well to consider if we living the blessed life according to Psalm 1.  In other words, do you have true happiness; an abiding, joyful contentment?  Some might respond: “Not really, but I can’t fathom how that can happen by following what this Psalm...
The Sanctifying Effect of Truly Praising God

The Sanctifying Effect of Truly Praising God

How do the Praise Psalms intend the sanctification of God’s people?  It’s always humbling for us to acknowledge God as the source of our deliverance.  The more we refuse credit for anything in our lives, the more useful we will be to him. Moreover, the Bible says that...