Becoming Misaligned in Worship of Christ

Becoming Misaligned in Worship of Christ

In John 12, there were multitudes of people who had traveled to Jerusalem, along with residents from within, who were flocking to see Jesus. However, the motive was not worship, nor was it based on the truth of what Jesus taught or what was written of him in the OT....
The Centrality of Christ’s Death

The Centrality of Christ’s Death

Jesus has boldly proclaimed to be the resurrection and the life in John 11:25 and even raised Lazarus from the dead to provide powerful proof of that claim, but to what extent would Jesus go to grant life to sinners?  Jesus answers that in Mark 10:45 For even the Son...
The Promise of Immanuel

The Promise of Immanuel

There’s no way to escape the fact that the promised sign of Immanuel in Isaiah 7:14 is surrounded by intense predictions of judgment for King Ahaz and the people of Judah. Sadly, the promises associated with this child would not benefit Ahaz because he refused to...
Jesus is Fully Validated by God

Jesus is Fully Validated by God

If Jesus is going to continue to make these lofty claims (such as John 10:30-I and the Father are one), how would God validate these claims, not only to those personally witnessing his ministry, but also to those who would read the accounts throughout the church age?...
How Christ Makes His Claims Certain

How Christ Makes His Claims Certain

Despite how the Jews insinuated that Christ has been withholding the truth in John 10:24, the fact of the matter is, the more clearly he reveals his identity, the more hostility is stirred up in those who hear it. This corresponds exactly to Jesus’ response in...
The Voice of Christ is Distinct

The Voice of Christ is Distinct

In John 10:5 and 8, Christ teaches that his sheep do not plunge themselves into strange teachings. Just to clarify—this teaching is not denying the reality of different maturity and discernment levels and seasons of growth, but instead, that if someone is attracted to...
Jesus Must Open the Eyes of the Blind

Jesus Must Open the Eyes of the Blind

In shining forth the light in John 9, the healing of the blind man magnificently illustrates spiritual salvation since there is a link between this man’s blindness from birth and man’s spiritual state from birth. The Apostle Paul writes in Rom. 5 that when God’s love...
A Necessary Mark of a True Disciple

A Necessary Mark of a True Disciple

In John 8:31, Jesus supplies a condition which reveals one as being a true disciple. It entails continuing, abiding or remaining in Christ’s word. This isn’t just a one-time decision or a temporary receiving of God’s word. So essentially, Jesus is teaching these Jews:...
The Peril of Not Knowing Why Jesus Came

The Peril of Not Knowing Why Jesus Came

It seems safe to say that Jesus is proclaiming in John 8:24, that unless one believes that he is the only Savior who can take away one’s sins, the terrible prospect of paying for one’s own sins in eternal judgment awaits. This proclamation is true to the extent that...
Being in the Light Requires Discernment

Being in the Light Requires Discernment

In Ephesians 5:5-6, Paul’s exhortations regarding walking in the light, includes to not be deceived about God’s judgment on the darkness. It doesn’t matter what someone says they believe; if they live in darkness (sons of disobedience=those characterized by...
God’s Word is Completely Trustworthy

God’s Word is Completely Trustworthy

There are 4 reasons, based on the character of God, that we can place wholehearted confidence in our Bibles: 1. God proactively chooses to reveal himself Surely, we do not know him to be a God who delights in hiding his truth from his people. This is one of the...
The Living Waters Christ Supplies

The Living Waters Christ Supplies

It’s helpful to explore how these truths Christ proclaims in John 7:37-38 relate to the Christian life on an ongoing basis. For instance, perhaps some or many of you are thinking: “I certainly don’t feel like I have rivers of living water flowing out of me all the...
A Trust in Tradition Crowds Out the Truth

A Trust in Tradition Crowds Out the Truth

In contrast to the highly unlikely possibility in John 7:26, these people continue their rationalization in v.27, which exposes a major problem in their minds with Jesus’ claims to be the Christ—We know where he is from (Nazareth of Galilee), but everyone knows that...
Fear of Man Prevents Discernment

Fear of Man Prevents Discernment

Similar language to John 7:13 occurs in ch.12, except, by this point, some of the leaders have become convinced of Jesus’ identity. Here is v.42 Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear...
We Must Continually Feed on Christ

We Must Continually Feed on Christ

It’s helpful to point out that in beginning in v.54 through v.58 of John 6, the verb tense of eat and drink is in the present, which means Christ is teaching the importance of a continuous, ongoing action. This is also put forth in v.56 with the outcome of this...
Christ Fulfills Our Every Need

Christ Fulfills Our Every Need

In John 6:35, Jesus is teaching that upon coming to him, the bread of life, in faith, one will never have to search anywhere else again for sustenance. This is clearly not referring to physical hunger and thirst, and to miss the spiritual emphasis of these words is to...
Our Need for God to Reveal Our Motives

Our Need for God to Reveal Our Motives

The crowd’s misguided seeking of Jesus in John 6:26 illustrates a massive problem in the human heart, in that we often aren’t even thinking about what we need to learn from Jesus, but are merely satisfied being full and happy and healthy in this life, which we...